Просмотр тэгов MP3
(* Mp3View v1.2 *) (* Quick Viewer TAG'a Mp3 Files with Riff Wav format support *) (* CopyRight (c) Maxim Kanoonnikov aka Maxis //UFS'99 *) (* *) Program mp3live; uses dos,windos,crt; type tagID = record tagident : array [1..03] of char; {сигнатура информационного тэга 'TAG'} title : array [1..30] of char; {Hазвание 30 байт ASCII} artist : array [1..30] of char; {Исполнитель 30 байт ASCII} album : array [1..30] of char; {Альбом 30 байт ASCII} year : array [1..04] of char; {Год 4 байта ASCII} comment : array [1..30] of char; {Комментарий 30 байт ASCII} genre : byte; {Жанр} end; const (* UnCode win=>dos *) xlat: array[1.. 66,1..2] of word = (($0C0,$080),($0C1,$081),($0C2,$082),($0C3,$083),($0C4,$084),($0C5,$085), ($0C6,$086),($0C7,$087),($0C8,$088),($0C9,$089),($0CA,$08A),($0CB,$08B), ($0CC,$08C),($0CD,$08D),($0CE,$08E),($0CF,$08F),($0D0,$090),($0D1,$091), ($0D2,$092),($0D3,$093),($0D4,$094),($0D5,$095),($0D6,$096),($0D7,$097), ($0D8,$098),($0D9,$099),($0DA,$09A),($0DB,$09B),($0DC,$09C),($0DD,$09D), ($0DE,$09E),($0DF,$09F),($0E0,$0A0),($0E1,$0A1),($0E2,$0A2),($0E3,$0A3), ($0E4,$0A4),($0E5,$0A5),($0E6,$0A6),($0E7,$0A7),($0E8,$0A8),($0E9,$0A9), ($0EA,$0AA),($0EB,$0AB),($0EC,$0AC),($0ED,$0AD),($0EE,$0AE),($0EF,$0AF), ($0F0,$0E0),($0F1,$0E1),($0F2,$0E2),($0F3,$0E3),($0F4,$0E4),($0F5,$0E5), ($0F6,$0E6),($0F7,$0E7),($0F8,$0E8),($0F9,$0E9),($0FA,$0EA),($0FB,$0EB), ($0FC,$0EC),($0FD,$0ED),($0FE,$0EE),($0FF,$0EF),($0B9,$0FC),($0B8,$0F1)); kbps : array[0..14,1..6] of word = (( 0, 0 , 0 , 0, 0, 0), ( 32, 32, 32, 32, 8, 8), ( 64, 48, 40, 48, 16, 16), ( 96, 56, 48, 56, 24, 24), (128, 64, 56, 64, 32, 32), (160, 80, 64, 80, 40, 40), (192, 96, 80, 96, 48, 48), (224, 112, 96, 112, 56, 56), (256, 128, 112, 128, 64, 64), (288, 160, 128, 144, 80, 80), (320, 192, 160, 160, 96, 96), (352, 224, 192, 176, 112, 112), (384, 256, 224, 192, 128, 128), (416, 320, 256, 224, 144, 144), (448, 384, 320, 256, 160, 160)); genrestr: array[0..147] of string[16] = ('Blues','Classic Rock','Country','Dance','Disco','Funk','Grunge','Hip-Hop' ,'Jazz','Metal','New Age','Oldies','Other','Pop','R&B','Rap','Reggae','Rock' ,'Techno','Industrial','Alternative','Ska','Death Metal','Pranks','Soundtrack' ,'Euro-Techno','Ambient','Trip-Hop','Vocal','Jazz+Funk','Fusion','Trance' ,'Classical','Instrumental','Acid','House','Game','Sound Clip','Gospel','Noise' ,'Alt. Rock','Bass','Soul','Punk','Space','Meditative','Instrumental Pop' ,'Instrumental Rock','Ethnic','Gothic','Darkwave','Techno-Industrial' ,'Electronic','Pop-Folk','Eurodance','Dream','Southern Rock','Comedy','Cult' ,'Gangsta Rap','Top 40','Christian Rap','Pop/Funk','Jungle','Native American' ,'Cabaret','New Wave','Psychedelic','Rave','Showtunes','Trailer','Lo-Fi' ,'Tribal','Acid Punk','Acid Jazz','Polka','Retro','Musical','Rock & Roll' ,'Hard Rock','Folk','Folk/Rock','National Folk','Swing','Fast-Fusion','Bebob' ,'Latin','Revival','Celtic','Bluegrass','Avantgarde','Gothic Rock' ,'Progressive Rock','Psychedelic Rock','Symphonic Rock','Slow Rock','Big Band' ,'Chorus','Easy Listening','Acoustic','Humour','Speech','Chanson','Opera' ,'Chamber Music','Sonata','Symphony','Booty Bass','Primus','Porn Groove' ,'Satire','Slow Jam','Club','Tango','Samba','Folklore','Ballad','Power Ballad' ,'Rhythmic Soul','Freestyle','Duet','Punk Rock','Drum Solo','A Cappella' ,'Euro-House','Dance Hall','Goa','Drum & Bass','Club-House','Hardcore' ,'Terror','Indie','BritPop','Negerpunk','Polsk Punk','Beat' ,'Christian Gangsta Rap','Heavy Metal','Black Metal','Crossover' ,'Contemporary Christian','Christian Rock','Merengue','Salsa','Thrash Metal' ,'Anime','JPop','Synthpop'); khz:array[0..2,1..3] of word=((44100,22050,11025), { ^srate ^mpeg} (48000,24000,12000), (32000,16000,8000)); bits:array[0..3,1..3] of word=((4,4,0),(8,8,4),(12,12,8),(16,16,16)); var tag : tagID; kol :integer; a,B1,B2,B3,B4,i,j,atr,kbp :word; kbpsb,srate,bit,error,tmp :byte; f :file; ch: char; fpos: longint; buf:array[1..4] of byte; byt:byte; emphasis,original,copyright,stereo,private_,crc,layer,mpeg:byte; chanel,pathn,temp,fullname: string; begin if paramstr(1) = '' then begin writeln('Quick Mp3 File TAG Viewer v1.1 by Maxim Kanoonnikov //UFS''99'); writeln('Use: Mp3View.exe'); halt(1); end; Assign (f,paramstr(1)); GetFAttr(F, atr); SetFAttr(F, faArchive); reset(f,1); SetFAttr(F, atr); blockread(f,buf,sizeof(buf),a); {close(f);} b1:=buf[1];b2:=buf[2];b3:=buf[3];b4:=buf[4]; {for i:=1 to 4 do write(buf[i],' ');halt(1);} asm mov ch,byte ptr b1 mov cl,byte ptr b2 mov al,byte ptr b3 mov ah,byte ptr b4 {******fileID*******} push cx push cx shr cx,4h { get mpegID } cmp cx,0fffh jz @noterror mov error,1h pop cx cmp cl,49h { get riffID } jne @nt cmp ch,52h jne @nt cmp ah,46h jne @nt cmp al,46h jne @nt mov error,2 {error = 2 then wav} @nt: jmp @notmp3file @noterror: pop cx test al,1 jz @aaa1 {IF PRIVATE IS ENABLE THEN not JUNP} mov private_,1 @aaa1: test ah,4 jz @aaa2 {IF ORIGINAL IS ENABLE THEN not JUNP} mov original,1 @aaa2: test ah,8 jz @aaa3 {IF COPYRIGHT IS ENABLE THEN not JUNP} mov copyright,1 @aaa3: test cl,0 jz @aaa4 {IF CRC32 IS ENABLE THEN JUNP} mov crc,1 @aaa4: {****EMPHASIS*****} push ax and ah,11b mov emphasis,ah pop ax {*****STEREO******} push ax and ah,11000000b shr ah,6h mov stereo,ah pop ax {***LAYER*******} {*****LAYER******} test cl,0 jz @aa11l {IF LAYER IS enable THEN NOT JUNP} mov layer,0 @aa11l: test cl,02h jz @aa22l mov layer,3 @aa22l: test cl,04h jz @aa33l mov layer,2 @aa33l: test cl,04h jz @aa333l test cl,02h jz @aa333l mov layer,1 @aa333l: {***} {push cx and cl,00000110b shr cl,1 mov layer,cl pop cx} {*****MPEG******} {push cx and cl,00011000b shr cl,3 mov mpeg,cl pop cx} {*****MPEG******} test cl,0 jz @aa11m {IF MPEG IS enable THEN NOT JUNP} mov mpeg,3 @aa11m: test cl,00001000b jz @aa22m mov mpeg,0 @aa22m: test cl,00010000b jz @aa33m mov mpeg,2 @aa33m: test cl,00010000b jz @aa333m test cl,00001000b jz @aa333m mov mpeg,1 @aa333m: {***} {*****SampleRate******} push ax and al,00000110b shr al,1 mov srate,al pop ax (*bit****************) mov bh,ah and bh,00110000b shr bh,4 mov bit,bh {**kbps****************} push ax shr al,4 xor ah,ah mov kbpsb,al pop ax {**********************} mov error,0 @notmp3file: @aaa: end; (***************************TAGID***************************************) fpos:= filesize(f) - sizeof(tag); seek(f,fpos); blockread(f,tag,sizeof(tag),a); if tag.tagident 'TAG' then begin writeln('Tag not found');halt(1);end; window (1,1,42,9); textcolor(8); textbackground(7); clrscr; for i:=1 to 66 do (* decode of char *) for j:=1 to 30 do begin if tag.comment[j] = chr(xlat[i,1]) then tag.comment[j]:=chr(xlat[i,2]); if tag.title[j] = chr(xlat[i,1]) then tag.title[j]:=chr(xlat[i,2]); if tag.artist[j] = chr(xlat[i,1]) then tag.artist[j]:=chr(xlat[i,2]); if tag.album[j] = chr(xlat[i,1]) then tag.album[j]:=chr(xlat[i,2]) end; writeln('-----------------------------------------'); writeln('¦ Title : ',tag.title); writeln('¦ Artist : ',tag.artist); writeln('¦ Album : ',tag.album); writeln('¦ Comment: ',tag.comment); if tag.genre
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3 декабря 2005, 20:11:49
Зайди Options-->Compiler и поставь галочку на :286 instructions
4 сентября 2005, 00:35:03
Для участка кода: shr cx,4h { get mpegID }
пишет ошибку: Error 159: 286/287 instructions are not enabled.
Как это исправить?
пишет ошибку: Error 159: 286/287 instructions are not enabled.
Как это исправить?